Monday, January 11, 2016

A brief story of an advanced being.

E.T.’s Misfortune
                                                                                                      by: Phillip Rodriguez
    In a galaxy far, far away (but not in a long time ago), an advanced life-form typically known as E.T. travels and explores various planets in the vast Somewhat galaxy with no apparent reason. But, during its time traveling between the planets KFC and Taco Bell, E.T. decides to go faster-than-light speed. Little did it know, though, that it had forgotten to fix the breaks while it was refueling and checking the light drive on the nearest planet - Ugh. So while evading an asteroid field the protagonist ponders over whether or not it should pull over and check.

    “I just can’t remember what I was going to do before leaving Ugh, yet a there’s something missing”, asked the alien to itself. “ Was it the solar panels?”

    Sadly, because the alien couldn’t recall what it was supposed to do the ship begins to deviate from the intended course and then crash-lands on a distant planet called Earth.

    When the alien comes to, it jumps out of its vessel and looks in every direction asking itself, “Where in Gaba Uj am I?”

    Evidently, it seemed to E.T. like a moonlit forest, a biome similar to particular locations on his planet. In the sinister vibe and dim light, E.T. finds itself staring at a dark, four-legged, hairy creature with its night-vision. It looked as though the creature had spotted the alien and subsequently started to howl sending a shiver down the alien’s vertebrae. Next, there were multiple beasts coming at it and before reacting they started to viciously attack. In what seemed like an endless brawl, E.T. fought for its dear life while its body was being bitten and almost torn by its unknown attackers. In a moments time it could recall that it could defend itself! With enough time to reached its side, E.T. forcefully grabs its gun and starts blasting at every known malicious beast.

    For a mere few seconds E.T. is in shock by its previous battle with the foreign creatures, but deliberately arouses itself to stand up.
    “Ouch!” exclaimed E.T. while rising from the cold and uncomfortable ground.

    It then starts to presume its evaluation of the dark landscape. With no communication to its original home, E.T. is hopelessly lost. Will this cast-away ever find what it needs to repair its ship, medicate and return home? The answer is undeniably uncertain.


  1. Dear Phil,
    What I really liked about your story is how you got me hooked into the story by telling us how E.T. forgot to replace his breaks. The story was very well written. What you could improve on is making the story longer and adding detail. Think about what you could add to each paragraph to make it longer. Other than that, I really liked it.

  2. Dear Phil,

    I really enjoyed your story, you have some great descriptive words and phrases! One thing that bugged me was that you referred to E.T. as “it” .One way you can improve is to set a gender for your main character and refer to E.T. as a he or she.

    From: Nathan Winter
